Solar Reflectance Index Roof Shingles

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Solar reflectance index roof shingles. Feature gaf proprietary color blends and enhanced shadow effect for a genuine wood shake look. The solar reflectance index or sri is a calculation using the aged solar reflectance and thermal emittance measurements of the asphalt shingles materials. The landmark solaris platinum solar reflective shingles represent an industry breakthrough in technology achieving a level of 40 solar reflectivity by far the highest level of reflectivity in the asphalt shingle industry. The solar reflectance index sri is a measure of the constructed surface s ability to reflect solar heat as shown by a small temperature rise.
The coolness of the roof is measured by two properties. Solar reflectance index sri. Timberline hd reflector series plus shingles can be used to comply with 2016 title 24 part 6 cool roof requirements of the california code of regulations. 2013 california building energy efficiency standards title 24 part 6 requirements.
Solar reflectivity r solar reflectance index sri by color. Presidential shake solaris in the color autumn blend can reflect up to 18 percent of the sun s energy. The third metric used to measure the performance of cool roof coverings is called the solar reflectance index sri. Incorporates both solar reflectance and thermal emissivity in a single value.
The higher the sri the cooler the roof will be. Solar reflectivity or reflectance is the ability of a material to reflect solar energy from its surface back into the atmosphere. For example a standard black asphalt shingle would have an sri in the low single digits. It ranges from 0 to 100.
It is defined so that a standard black surface reflectance 0 05 emittance 0 90 is 0 and a standard white surface reflectance 0 80 emittance 0 90 is 100. Sri measures the roof s ability to reject solar heat defined such that a standard black reflectance 0 05 emittance 0 90 is 0 and a standard white reflectance 0 80 emittance 0 90 is 100. Solar reflectance sr or reflectivity or the fraction of solar energy that is reflected by the roof and thermal emittance or the relative ability of the roof surface to radiate absorbed heat or a combination of the two called the solar reflective index sri. Timberline hd reflector series plus shingles meet green building standards code of los angeles county for residential buildings.
Meet the prescriptive solar reflectance and thermal emittance requirements according to the 2016 title 24 standards are rated by the cool roof rating council and meet the cool roof requirements of the los angeles green building code find out more about title 24 here. This measurement can be used as an indicator of how hot shingles are likely to become when they re exposed to the sun. A value of 0 indicates that the material absorbs all solar energy and a value of 1 0 indicates total reflectance. The sr value is a number from 0 to 1 0.
Shasta white color meets energy star requirements for initial solar reflectance of 0 25 and 3 year aged solar reflectance of 0 15.